The IXYS IXFH140N10P is a MOSFET with an N-Channel polarity. It has a power dissipation of 600W (Tc) and a drain-source breakdown voltage of 100V. This MOSFET has a continuous drain current of 140A (Tc) and a maximum Rds On at Id,Vgs of 11 mOhm @ 70A, 10V. It has a gate-source threshold voltage of 5V @ 4mA and a maximum gate charge of 155nC @ 10V. The maximum input capacitance of this MOSFET is 4700pF @ 25V and the maximum gate-source voltage is ±20V. It is mountable through hole and comes in a TO-247-3 package type. The temperature range for operating this MOSFET is -55°C to 175°C (TJ). It falls under the Discrete Semiconductor Products category and has a popularity of medium in the market. This MOSFET is active and is packaged in a tube/rail.