The IXFN230N10 is an N-Channel MOSFET designed for use in discrete semiconductor products like transistors and FETs. It has a drain to source voltage (Vdss) of 100 V and can withstand a continuous drain current (Id) of 230A (Tc) at 25°C. The Rds On (Max) @ Id, Vgs is 6mOhm @ 500mA, 10V. The package type is SOT-227B, and it has a gate charge (Qg) (Max) @ Vgs of 570 nC @ 10 V. The input capacitance (Ciss) (Max) @ Vds is 19000 pF @ 25 V. The IXFN230N10 operates in a temperature range of -55°C to 150°C (TJ) and is ECCN: EAR99 compliant. and an MSL level of 1 (Unlimited). The product is not for new designs and is ROHS3 compliant.