This electronic component is a thyristor-SCR that falls under the category of Discrete Semiconductor Products. It has a Win Source Part Number of 1045861-HS4040RAQTP and belongs to the Automotive, AEC-Q101, Teccor® series. The product comes in a tube package with a standard package of 1,000. The product has a maximum current hold of 70 mA and a voltage off-state of 400 V. The maximum voltage for gate trigger (Vgt) is 1.5 V, and the maximum current for gate trigger (Igt) is 35 mA. The maximum voltage for on-state (Vtm) is 1.6 V, and the maximum current for on-state (It (AV)) is 25 A. The maximum current for non-repetitive surge 50, 60Hz (Itsm) is 430A, 520A. The SCR type is standard recovery, and it is mounted through a hole. The product is designed to provide efficient and reliable performance and is an essential component for electronic devices.