The 2N6788 is an electronic component manufactured by Microsemi Corporation. It is a MOSFET transistor with an N-channel polarity and a TO-39 supplier device package. The Win Source Part Number for this component is 1124198-2N6788. It has a medium popularity and a limited supply and demand status. The 2N6788 is an obsolete product, but it has a high power dissipation rating of 800mW. It has a Vds - Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage of 100V and an Id - Continuous Drain Current of 6A. The Rds On (Maximum) at Id, Vgs is 300mOhm at 3.5A, 10V, and the Gate Source Voltage(th) (Maximum) at Id is 4V at 250μA. The Gate Charge (Qg) (Maximum) at Vgs is 18nC at 10V. The Gate Source Voltage (Maximum) is ±20V. For more information about this product, please visit the manufacturer's homepage at