The Microsemi Corporation 768697-APT5010B2LLG is a MOSFET transistor designed for use in discrete semiconductor products. This transistor has a maximum power dissipation of 520W (Tc) and a maximum drain-source voltage of 500V. It has a continuous drain current of 46A (Tc) and a gate charge of 95nC @ 10V. The transistor has a channel type of N and a maximum Vgs of ±30V. It is mounted using a through-hole package and is available in a TO-247-3 Variant supplier device package. and a limited supply and demand status. The alternative parts (cross-reference) are SiHFPS40N50L, IRFPS40N50LPBF, SiHFPS40N50L-E3, and IRFPS40N50L.