The ON Semiconductor BC639-16ZL1G is a high-quality NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) designed for use in a wide range of electronic applications. This versatile transistor is well-suited for amplification and switching applications due to its high current gain and fast switching speeds.
Key Features
- Voltage and Current: The BC639-16ZL1G supports a collector-emitter voltage (VCEO) of 80V and a collector current (IC) of up to 1A, making it robust for various circuit configurations.
- Power Dissipation: With a power dissipation of 800mW, this transistor can handle moderate power applications efficiently without overheating.
- High Current Gain (hFE): It has a high DC current gain, ranging from 40 to 160, which ensures significant amplification of the input signal.
- Speed: The device features fast switching times, with a turn-on time (ton) typically as low as 35ns, making it suitable for high-frequency operations.
- TO-92 Package: Encased in the popular TO-92 package, the BC639-16ZL1G is easy to integrate into a variety of PCB layouts and is known for its reliability and durability.
The BC639-16ZL1G transistor is ideal for a range of electronic circuits, including:
- General-purpose switching and amplification
- Driver stages in hi-fi amplifiers and television circuits
- Linear amplification and switching
- Regulatory functions in power supplies
- Signal processing circuits
Quality and Reliability
ON Semiconductor is known for its commitment to quality, and the BC639-16ZL1G is no exception. This component is designed to meet the stringent requirements of the electronics industry, ensuring reliability and performance in all supported applications. With its robust construction and tested performance characteristics, the BC639-16ZL1G from ON Semiconductor is a trustworthy choice for designers and engineers looking for a high-performance NPN BJT.