The Vishay 205322-IRF840LCSTRL is a N-Channel MOSFET that is designed for use in discrete semiconductor products. It has a maximum power dissipation of 3.1W (Ta) and 125W (Tc) and a drive voltage of 10V. The MOSFET has a drain-source breakdown voltage of 500V and a continuous drain current of 8A (Tc). The gate-source threshold voltage is 4V @ 250μA and the maximum gate charge is 39nC @ 10V. The maximum input capacitance is 1100pF @ 25V and the maximum Rds On at Id,Vgs is 850 mOhm @ 4.8A, 10V. The MOSFET is packaged in a D2PAK case and has a dimension of TO-263-3, D2Pak (2 Leads + Tab), TO-263AB. The operating temperature range is -55°C to 150°C (TJ). The Vishay 205322-IRF840LCSTRL is a medium popularity product in the market with a 67 pct. fake threat in the open market and limited supply and demand status.