The 872433-FWIXP425ABC is an integrated circuit (IC) from the IXP425 series of embedded microprocessors. It features a 1 core, 32-bit Intel IXP42X core processor with a speed of 400MHz. The IC includes co-processors for communications, network processor engine, and math engine for multiply accumulate operations. It supports SDRAM RAM controllers and has 10/100Mbps Ethernet connectivity. The IC also has a USB 1.1 interface and supports various additional interfaces such as HDLC, HSS, PCI, UART, and UTOPIA 2. It operates at a voltage of 3.3V and offers security features like 3DES, AES, DES, MD5, and SHA-1. The package type is 492-BBGA and the device package is 492-PBGA (35x35). The operating temperature range is 0°C to 70°C (TA). This IC is widely used in embedded systems for networking applications.