The Fairchild/ON Semiconductor 1173803-FDI047AN08A0 is a MOSFET component that is designed to support various applications. This component is manufactured by Fairchild/ON Semiconductor and is available in a tube package with a through-hole mounting style. The operating temperature range of this component is -55°C ~ 175°C (TJ), and its part status is obsolete (EOL). The family name of this component is FDI047AN08A0, and it belongs to the discrete semiconductor products category. The manufacturer homepage of this component is, and its alternative parts (cross-reference) include AUIRFSL3207Z, AUIRFSL3307Z, IPI100N08S207XK. The introduction date of this component is March 08, 2004, and its estimated EOL date is obsolete. The ECCN of this component is EAR99, and its popularity is medium.