The BZX384C10-E3-18 from Vishay is a discrete semiconductor product with a Win Source part number of 1026354-BZX384C10-E3-18. It is packaged in a reel-TR and mounted using SMD (SMT) technology. The tolerance is ±5%, and the voltage-forward (Vf) (max) @ If is not available. The current-reverse leakage @ Vr is 200nA @ 7V, and the voltage-zener (Nom) (Vz) is 10V. The impedance (max) (Zzt) is 20 Ohm, and the status is active. The temperature range for operation is -55°C to 150°C, and the case/package is SOD-323. The maximum power dissipation is 200mW. The supply and demand status of this product is currently sufficient.