The MC10H160LDS is a robust and high-performance integrated circuit from ON Semiconductor, designed for advanced digital applications. This device falls under the category of logic converters, specifically tailored to translate signals from one logic level to another, ensuring compatibility between various digital systems operating at different voltage levels.
Key Features
- Logic Type: The device is a logic level translator, designed to interface between systems operating at different voltage levels, thereby providing seamless communication within mixed-voltage environments.
- High-Speed Performance: With its capability to handle fast signal transitions, the MC10H160LDS is suitable for high-speed digital circuits, maintaining signal integrity and timing precision.
- Voltage Range: It supports a broad range of input voltages, allowing for versatile use in various applications and compatibility with multiple digital logic families.
- Output Current: The device can drive a considerable amount of current on its outputs, enabling it to drive loads or interface with other logic devices effectively.
- Package Type: Encased in a sturdy and compact package, the MC10H160LDS is designed for space-efficient implementations, making it ideal for densely populated circuit boards.
The MC10H160LDS is utilized in a plethora of digital systems where logic level translation is required. Its high-speed capabilities make it particularly well-suited for:
- Telecommunications equipment
- Computing systems
- High-speed data acquisition and processing units
- Signal conversion in mixed-voltage systems
- Industrial control interfaces
Reliability and Quality
ON Semiconductor is renowned for its commitment to quality and reliability. The MC10H160LDS is manufactured with the highest standards, ensuring that it performs consistently across various environmental conditions and meets industry specifications. This device is a testament to ON Semiconductor's dedication to providing high-quality components for sophisticated electronic solutions.