The Vishay 1046949-IRFI9610GPBF is a P-channel polarity MOSFET with a maximum Rds on of 3 Ohm @ 1.2A, 10V. This component is a medium popularity electronic product with a limited supply and demand status. It is manufactured by Vishay and is a part of the discrete semiconductor products category. The component is mounted in Through Hole technology and packaged in Tube/Rail. The operating temperature range of this component is -55°C to 150°C (TJ). The maximum drain-source breakdown voltage is 200V with a continuous drain current of 2A (Tc). The maximum gate charge is 13nC @ 10V and the maximum input capacitance is 180pF @ 25V. The product is designed for drive voltage (Max Rds On, Min Rds On) of 10V.