The 3N250 is a bridge rectifier diode used in discrete semiconductor applications. It is designed for single-phase rectification and is manufactured by Fairchild/ON Semiconductor. The 3N250 is available in a tube package with a standard package quantity of 987 pieces. It has a standard technology and a forward voltage of 1 V at 1 A. The reverse leakage current is 5 µA at 600 V, and the peak reverse voltage is 600 V. This diode is mounted using the through-hole 4-SIP/KBPM package. The supplier device package is KBPM. The temperature range for operation is -55°C to 165°C. The 3N250 has an ECCN of EAR99, indicating no export restrictions. The HTSUS code is 8541.10.0080. Although the 3N250 is an obsolete product, it has been widely used in various electronic applications for rectification purposes.