The Infineon Technologies BSP88E6327 is a Discrete Semiconductor Product that belongs to the Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Single category. It is an N-Channel MOSFET (Metal Oxide) technology with a drain to source voltage (Vdss) of 240 V. The current - continuous drain (Id) @ 25°C is 350mA (Ta), and the Rds On (Max) @ Id, Vgs is 6Ohm @ 350mA, 10V. The gate charge (Qg) (Max) @ Vgs is 6.8 nC @ 10 V, and the input capacitance (Ciss) (Max) @ Vds is 95 pF @ 25 V. The Vgs (Max) is ±20V, and the operating temperature range is -55°C ~ 150°C (TJ). The BSP88E6327 is an alternative part (cross-reference) with BSP88L6327HTSA1, BSP129 L6906, BSP317PL6327HTSA1, BCP56-10TX, BCP56TX, BCP53TXBSP88 E6327, and BSP88-E6327.