The IRC840PBF is a MOSFET electronic component manufactured by Vishay Siliconix. This component is in limited supply and demand status. It is obsolete and has a manufacturer homepage at The chip's packaging is in tube format, and its mounting style is through-hole. It is a current sensing FET with N-channel transistor polarity. Its supplier device package is TO-220-5, and its drive voltage (max Rds on, min Rds on) is 10V. The chip's power dissipation (maximum) is 125W, and its MSL level is 1. The chip's Vds - Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage is 500V, and its Id - Continuous Drain Current is 8A. Its Rds On (maximum) at Id, Vgs is 850mOhm at 4.8A, 10V. Its Gate Source Voltage(th) (maximum) at Id is 4V at 250μA. Its Gate Charge (Qg) (maximum) at Vgs is 67nC at 10V. The chip's Gate Source Voltage (maximum) is ±20V, and its Input Capacitance (Ciss) (maximum) at Vds is 1300pF at 25V.