The Fuji Electric FMV23N50E is a Single MOSFET that has a maximum operating temperature of 150 °C and a minimum operating temperature of -55 °C. It has a turn-on delay time of 26 ns and a turn-off delay time of 150 ns. The drain to source breakdown voltage is 500 V and the drain to source resistance is 245 mΩ. The MOSFET has a gate to source voltage (Vgs) of 30 V and is mounted through hole. It has a length of 9.9822 mm, a width of 4.4958 mm, and a height of 15.0114 mm. The MOSFET is part of the Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - RF category and has a popularity of low. The supply and demand status is shortage. The MOSFET is compliant with RoHS.