The electronic component with Id 328707 is a product from Vishay. The Win Source Part Number for this product is 042594-SI3460BDV-T1-GE3. This product comes in reel - TR packaging and has SMD (SMT) mounting. The technology for this product is MOSFET and the polarity is N-Channel. The power dissipation (Max) is 2W (Ta), 3.5W (Tc). This product belongs to Discrete Semiconductor Products category and the drive voltage (Max Rds On, Min Rds On) is 1.8V, 4.5V. The status of this product is active and the temperature range - operating is -55°C to 150°C (TJ). The case / package for this product is 6-TSOP and the dimension is SOT-23-6 Thin, TSOT-23-6. The drain-source breakdown voltage is 20V and the continuous drain current at 25°C is 8A (Tc). The gate-source threshold voltage is 1V @ 250μA. The max gate charge is 24nC @ 8V and the max input capacitance is 860pF @ 10V. The maximum gate-source voltage is ±8V and the maximum Rds On at Id,Vgs is 27 mOhm @ 5.1A, 4.5V. The supply and demand status of this product is balance.